Non-Destructive Testing Services

We were the first in Turkey to utilize the Phased Array method for non-destructive testing (NDT) with advanced technology and an innovative approach, performing three-dimensional inspections and conducting weld inspections on steel and polyethylene pipes. We apply a variety of NDT methods for weld inspections. Our company also employs the Phased Array and TOFD techniques, which are ultrasonic inspection methods, and carries out these activities with our in-house experts who hold internationally recognized Level 2 and Level 3 certifications.

As of today, Phased Array and TOFD inspection techniques are being effectively used by the Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (İSKİ) in the Büyük Melen Drinking Water Supply Project, for the inspection of pipes of various diameters in infrastructure renewal activities.

Internationally, we have conducted non-destructive testing activities for HDPE and steel drinking water pipelines for the Azerbaijan Water Transmission and Distribution Company (AZERSU).