• Elevator Periodic Inspection Service

Elevator Periodic Inspection Service

The elevator periodic inspection service is conducted to determine whether the elevator is operating safely for users and maintenance personnel and whether it functions appropriately in terms of operational safety. The purpose of this inspection is to ensure that the elevator is safe for users and maintenance personnel and to verify whether the responsible parties (managers and maintenance companies) are fulfilling their duties regarding the elevator.

According to the Elevator Maintenance and Operation Regulation, published by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology in the Official Gazette dated November 5, 2011, with issue number 28106, it has been mandatory since January 1, 2012, for periodic inspections of elevators to be conducted by Type A Inspection Bodies accredited under the TS EN ISO/IEC 17020 Standard. As per the Elevator Periodic Inspection Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated May 4, 2018, with issue number 30411, it is mandatory to conduct inspections and conformity assessments at least once a year for elevators placed on the market under the Elevator Regulation (2014/33/EU) and for those installed before the enforcement of the Elevator Regulation (2014/33/EU) that are still in operation.

As a Type A Inspection Body accredited under the TS EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard by the Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK) and authorized by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology, we conduct elevator inspections in accordance with the relevant standards and regulations with our expert inspection personnel and provide internationally recognized reports.

As defined in Article 11 of the Elevator Periodic Inspection Regulation dated May 4, 2018, inspection results are classified into four groups: flawless, minor defects, defective, and unsafe. Elevators that have undergone periodic inspection are labeled with an information tag by the control engineers of the Type A Inspection Body.

– An elevator classified as unsafe is labeled with a red information tag by the Type A Inspection Body performing the periodic inspection on behalf of the relevant authority. The nonconformities of the elevator labeled with a red information tag must be resolved within a maximum of sixty days.

– An elevator classified as defective is labeled with a yellow information tag by the Type A Inspection Body performing the periodic inspection on behalf of the relevant authority. The nonconformities of the elevator labeled with a yellow information tag must be resolved within a maximum of one hundred and twenty days.

– An elevator classified as having minor defects is labeled with a blue information tag by the Type A Inspection Body performing the periodic inspection on behalf of the relevant authority. The identified nonconformities of the elevator labeled with a blue information tag must be resolved before the next periodic inspection.

– An elevator classified as flawless is labeled with a green information tag by the Type A Inspection Body performing the periodic inspection on behalf of the relevant authority.

If a periodic inspection cannot be performed, the provisions of Article 29, paragraph 2 of the Elevator Periodic Inspection Regulation will be applied: ‘An elevator for which the building responsible does not permit a periodic inspection shall have its electricity cut off from the main supply and be sealed out of service. The Type A Inspection Body must notify the relevant authority within five working days after the inspection date, either physically or officially via KEP.’

On January 13, 2020, we signed a protocol with the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Under this protocol, UGETAM will carry out periodic inspections of elevators and escalators/conveyors in structures that qualify as shopping centers where building permits are issued by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality within the scope of Law No. 6585 on the Regulation of Retail Trade, buildings owned, used, or operated by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and buildings and facilities constructed or commissioned under Article 7 of Law No. 5216 on Metropolitan Municipalities.

On September 25, 2023, a protocol for elevator periodic inspection services was signed between the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Bosphorus Zoning Directorate and Istanbul Applied Gas and Energy Technologies R&D Industrial and Trade Inc. (UGETAM). Under this protocol, UGETAM will conduct and report periodic inspections of elevators located within the authority and responsibility of the Bosphorus Zoning Directorate, as specified in the Bosphorus Law No. 2960, published in the Official Gazette on November 22, 1983, with issue number 18229, specifically within the Bosphorus Area (Bosphorus Coastal Zone and Bosphorus Foreground Region) indicated in the master plan approved on July 22, 1983.

To apply for an Elevator Periodic Inspection, please fill out the application form linked below, sign it, and send a scanned copy via email to [email protected].

For your Elevator Pre-Registration Periodic Inspection Application, you must submit the following documents:
1- Building Permit or Tender Specifications (for standard determination)
2- Elevator EU Declarations of Conformity (2014/33/EU)
3- The installation company’s “CE Certificate"
4- Fireproof and airtight door certificate
5- Elevator serial number
6- EU Type Elevator Final Inspection Form
7- Elevator Advance and/or Implementation Projects approved by the relevant authority
8- Calibration verification report for load
9- Conformity certificate issued by a notified body, if applicable
10- Inspection Request Quotation Form (Attached)
11- Elevator Periodic Inspection Application Form (Attached)
12- Payment Receipt

* The load to be used should be supplied by the elevator installer, should have a defined weight, be safely transportable in the cabin, and be made of material that does not damage the elevator.