• Escalator / Moving Walkway Periodic Inspection Service

Escalator / Moving Walkway Periodic Inspection Service

An escalator is an electrically powered staircase with continuously rotating steps. Escalators and moving walkways are used in high-traffic areas such as shopping centers, hotels, business centers, airports, stadiums, overpasses, metro, and train stations to transport the maximum number of people in the shortest time possible.

In our country, according to Article 2.2.3 of Annex-III of the Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment, published in the Official Gazette on April 25, 2013, with issue number 28628, escalators and moving walkways must undergo periodic inspections at least once a year. The purpose of these annual periodic inspections is to ensure that escalators do not pose any safety risks to users and maintenance personnel. This process also verifies whether both the maintenance company and management are fulfilling their responsibilities adequately.

As an organization accredited by the Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK) under the TS EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard, we conduct escalator inspections according to the relevant standards and regulations with our expert inspection personnel and provide detailed reports. Our inspection personnel, who are registered in the T.C. Ministry of Labor and Social Security’s EKİPNET system, are experienced, trained, and certified.