
[kc_row _id="129775"][kc_column width="12/12" video_mute="no" _id="607014"][kc_spacing height="20" _id="24410"][kc_title text="SG90LVRhcCBPcGVyYXRpb24gaW4gVHVya2V5J3MgdGhlIExhcmdlc3QgR2VvdGhlcm1hbCBGYWNpbGl0eSBieSBVR0VUQU0sIGEgZmlyc3QgaW4gVHVya2V5" _id="443684" type="h1"][kc_spacing height="20" _id="156506"][kc_column_text _id="846573"]Providing training, audit, inspection services, developing applications and projects in many areas, notably of energy industry, since establishment, our Company pioneered the industry in Turkey,

We organized the training "Effective Communication and Result-Oriented Collaboration", provided by Training Consultant Mr. Gökhan Temotaş, to personnel of Boğaziçi Yönetim A.Ş. in October.

UGETAM Continues Field Works Uninterruptedly In the pandemic period stormed entire world, UGETAM continues working uninterruptedly. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB), Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (ISKI) and UGETAM continues working in the periods of lockdown due to